Friday, May 1, 2009

Thigh and arm lift FAQ

Central Body Lift

Thigh Lift

Q. Is there a procedure to get rid of loose skin on my rear and thighs?

A. A buttocks or thigh lift can eliminate excess skin but may leave long, visible scars. This is effective surgery, but should be used as a last resort after trying diet, exercise and even liposuction.

Q. Over the years I have lost and regained the same 25 pounds many times and now the skin on my thighs and buttocks has lost its tone and just “hangs”. Is there a procedure to correct this?

A. All tissue relaxes with time, and yo-yo dieting certainly contributes to this process. A Lower Body Lift will remove fat and tighten loose skin, which will result in more youthful contours.

Arm Lift

Q. Even in the summer I refuse to wear sleeveless tops because of the fat on the back of my upper arms. Is there a procedure that will get rid of this?

A. Thick or fatty upper arms can be a problematic area for many women. If diet and toning exercises have not helped, liposculpture can be performed to remove the fat on the upper arms.

Answers provided by a Dallas area female plastic surgeon, Dr. Diane Gibby,