Tummy Tuck
Q. My friend had liposuction performed on her stomach. Isn’t a tummy tuck the standard surgery for a “poochy” stomach?
A. Liposuction alone is performed when the underlying abdominal muscles and skin are fairly taut. A tummy tuck however, which can be done in conjunction with liposuction, tightens the skin and repairs weakened abdominal muscles.
Q. How soon can I have a tummy tuck after having a baby?
A. “Abdominoplasty” can be done as early as 6 weeks after pregnancy, but unless you have someone reliable to help with the baby, it’s best to wait 6 months to give your body time to recover from the pregnancy and delivery.
Q. I have always wanted to wear a bikini, but am self-conscious about my “poochy” stomach. Is getting a tummy tuck the answer?
A. If diet and exercise have not helped flatten your stomach, a tummy tuck can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen, giving you flatter and firmer stomach.
answers by Dr. Diane Gibby, http://www.drgibby.com