Women struggle for satisfaction with themselves and their bodies much, if not all of their lives. While the reasons for this struggle are varied, there are common factors which affect all of us. Whether in magazines and advertisements, or television and movies, we are constantly faced with images of thin, lean, beautiful women.
It is no surprise that many women are preoccupied with body image. According to one American study, approximately 80-90 percent of women dislike their bodies.
The perception of our bodies begins at a very early age in life. Childhood messages about our bodies form the foundation of our body image later in life. The way family members react to the changes we encounter and comments from others is an important part of how our body image develops. How we perceive and internalize these childhood messages about our bodies determines our ability to build self-esteem and confidence in our appearance.
Body image is an individual’s perception of his/her physical self. It is the mental picture a person has of their body, as well as the individual’s associated thoughts, feelings, judgments, sensations, awareness and behavior. Body image is not a static concept. It is developed through interactions with others and the social world.
Thus, what society holds up as ideal is often what women strive for. Preferences for body shape vary over time and among all cultures. Historically, most societies have associated extra weight in women with desirable social status — an overt sign of wealth when food was not abundant. Rubenesque women were considered the epitome of femininity and beauty.
Because women today are inundated with beautiful faces and perfect bodies, we must strive to maintain a realistic and healthy body image. A healthy body image is evident when a person’s mental picture of her body is accurate, and her feelings, assessment and relationship toward her body are positive, confident and self-caring.
Healthy body image is more than the absence of struggles around food, weight or appearance. It is having the support and resources necessary to: 1) care for the body;
2) find outlets for self-expression; 3) develop confidence in one’s physical abilities and capacities; and 4) develop a positive self-concept.
Women today have resources to help them resist negative environmental messages, the most important being education and the awareness that we are all unique individuals. Good nutrition and regular exercise help to keep us both physically and mentally fit, as well as promotes a healthy body image. And sometimes cosmetic surgery is appropriate to help women feel better about their bodies and looks in general
Women who already have a healthy body image and desire to enhance, but not change their appearance, will generally benefit the most from cosmetic surgery. Striving for improvement — not perfection — is the key. Women who have realistic expectations can greatly improve their body image with appropriate cosmetic surgery. Of course, before having any cosmetic surgery, you should discuss any questions or concerns, as well as your expectations, with your physician.
It’s not about looking like a movie star or a runway model. It’s about being accepting and nurturing of the body you have. Since a healthy body image is directly related to self-esteem, it is important that women understand that the images in the media have nothing to do with realistic expectations. After all, what could be more beautiful than a woman confidant about her appearance, both inside and out!
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